The Definition of Wellness

definition of wellness

Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. It is not simply the absence of disease or infirmity but an active process of becoming aware and making choices to lead a more rewarding life.

People typically associate wellness with physical health — nutrition, exercise, weight management and related issues. But true wellbeing encompasses not just physical aspects but also mental and spiritual well-being.


Physical wellness entails eating healthily, exercising regularly and abstaining from harmful habits like smoking. Adopting these practices can improve your overall wellbeing and add years to your life.

Physical activities can also help lower your risk for heart disease, hypertension and other chronic illnesses.

Exercise not only increases energy levels and alertness throughout the day, but it also improves blood flow to the organs for improved organ functioning.


Emotional wellness is about managing life’s challenges and building healthy relationships. It requires developing the abilities to recognize, express, and manage a wide variety of human emotions such as laughter, fear, anger, sadness, frustration, appreciation, and joy.

People with good emotional wellness can cope with the ups and downs of daily life with greater grace. They possess the capacity to acknowledge and redirect negative feelings, helping them maintain a healthy state of mind.

Supportive environments can help you better cope with emotional health issues. This could include having a safe space to express your emotions, building an intimate relationship with a trusted family member or therapist, or finding something enjoyable to do.


Social wellness refers to having healthy relationships with family, friends and the wider community. It also encompasses personal social skills like empathy and active listening.

People with strong social connections tend to cope better with stress and anxiety. Furthermore, developing and nurturing these relationships increases one’s self-worth.

Relationships have a powerful effect on all aspects of our lives, from mental to physical health. Maintaining healthy social connections can reduce the likelihood of depression and anxiety as well as lower the risks for chronic conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity.


Spiritual wellness refers to the pursuit of purpose and meaning in life. People with a deep sense of spirituality often find balance within themselves and experience more peace and serenity throughout their day.

They feel connected to those within their sphere of influence as well as those outside it. Furthermore, they take into account how their actions may impact others and act with consideration for those needs.

Joining a group that shares your beliefs can be an excellent way to foster spiritual growth and provide support during times of difficulty. Finding such community can help you rediscover your spirituality as well as enhance the health of yourself and those close to you.


Wellness is a way of living a balanced life that encompasses physical, emotional, social and spiritual elements. Many people prioritize body-focused aspects of wellness like eating nutritious foods, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly. But wellness goes much deeper than that: it encompasses mental clarity as well.

Intellectual wellness is an increasingly important element of overall well-being, although it may not be widely discussed. When you’re curious to learn new things, your mind opens up and becomes broader; ultimately leading to greater empathy and knowledge of the world around you.

In addition to expanding your knowledge base, learning something new stimulates your brain and promotes neuroplasticity – a process that allows the brain to alter with age. You can increase your intellectual wellness by exploring new interests, visiting museums, and attending performances that excite you.


Environmental wellness is an aspect of overall wellbeing that involves appreciating your environment and how it influences your health. It has connections to physical, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual and spiritual wellbeing.

Environmental wellness, often neglected, can have a major effect on your life. It encompasses reducing waste and pollution, conserving energy and water, as well as recycling materials.

A healthy environment can reduce stress and make people happier, leading to greater contentment in life. Furthermore, it improves work environments so employees feel valued and capable of performing at their highest level of performance.