Spinal Decompression Tool

spinal decompression tool

Spinal decompression is an non-invasive solution to herniated or bulging discs, employing a motorized traction device that gently stretches and relaxes the spine.

Negative pressure within spinal discs can reposition herniated material and allow healing nutrients to replenish them; however, not everyone has access to specialized medical-grade decompression tables.

The Y-Strap

As its name implies, the Y-Strap gets its appearance and function from its distinctive shape. Used as a decompression tool by stretching and pulling on your spine to relieve pressure from spinal discs and alleviate herniated discs, headaches, or neck pain, it helps break up any tight spots in your spinal column that could otherwise lead to herniation, headaches or neck pain.

The Y-Strap is one of the most efficient spinal decompression tools, while also being safe. Where manual spinal adjustments often use torque which may result in injury when done incorrectly, Y-Strap uses an even force along its body’s y-axis for decompression.

This adjustment technique is known as High Velocity Low Amplitude (HVLA). As opposed to the snapping pull seen on YouTube and TikTok videos, this method takes its time in decompressing your spine in order to create that characteristic joint cavitation noises many enjoy witnessing.

The Chin Strap

This simple chin strap can help those who breathe through their mouth while sleeping to avoid dry throat, which contributes to snoring and sleep apnea.

Its skin-friendly material wicks away moisture for added comfort, with adjustable hook tabs to fit a range of head sizes. Install and remove easily for reuse!

One study demonstrated how wearing a chin strap could effectively decrease obstructive sleep apnea in patients with mild forms by decreasing or eliminating mouth leaks, thus making breathing through their nose easier for PAP therapy patients and leading to improved compliance, leading to better nighttime rest, less headaches and daytime fatigue. Wearing one may make an immediate difference as mouth leaks decrease or disappear altogether and ultimately result in improved compliance and ultimately better rest resulting in greater nightly rest, reduced headaches and daytime drowsiness during daytime, better night’s rest and reduced mouth leakage resulting in greater PAP therapy compliance and improvement resulting in better night’s rest despite usage; such wearers may notice immediate change as their mouth leaks decrease or disappear immediately leading them on PAP therapy compliance results in better daytime performance overall resulting in better restful nights’ restful nights’ restfulness during daytime as CPAP users’ nasal pillows or surgery; both may improve compliance allowing easier nasal flow through nasal pillows or surgery and/or surgery to open nasal passageway obstruction allowing passageway obstruction via nasal pillow. Or surgery might also improve compliance allowing more comfortable nasal breathing through nasal airway breathing through nasal airway opening in combination with other therapies available (nasal pillows or surgery); finally; also may improve compliance allowing more comfortable nasal breathing through nose more comfortably than ever before and lead to improved CPAP compliance and greater sleep; hence better night’s better night’s better results from improved compliance, headache reduction as well as less headaches/ drowsiness during day.

The Loop

The Loop refers to the area surrounding the circular part of Chicago “L” train tracks in downtown Chicago and also covers an area close by; specifically it can refer to those located just steps from that circular stretch of tracks.

The Imagined Order used various forms of technology that allowed them to access the Loop without memory loss, including portal devices and Batman Who Laughs’ visor made from World Forge material similar to Zero Point. Unfortunately, since The Bridge’s destruction, these devices no longer function.

Apart from Colt’s memories and your gear, the only other item to carry over between loops is Charlie Montegue’s robot 2-Bit. This is because Charlie Montegue is the only member of The Seven who remembers how to access Zero Point, necessary for closing The Loop. However, he also mentions hacking The Loop to ensure his survival; this modified loop is known as Extra Loop or Outside of The Loop.