Chiropractic and Massage Therapy

Those suffering from back or joint pain may benefit from visiting a chiropractor to receive adjustments, while massage therapy can assist the healing process by loosening tight muscles and helping them relax.

Massage tools include small round objects and rollers of different thicknesses that enable chiropractors to identify problem areas more precisely and provide deeper massage sessions. Massage offers many health benefits; here are just a few:

Increased Circulation

Tight and restricted muscles are often at the source of neck and back pain, and chiropractic treatment and massage therapy work to loosen them to relieve symptoms of discomfort. read more

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

A healthy lifestyle refers to an array of behaviors and practices that support both mental and physical wellbeing. Such actions could include choosing healthy options when it comes to diet, physical activity and vices like smoking.

The research concluded that lifestyle choices (such as frequent physical activity, non-smoking and maintaining regular social rhythm) were predictive of students’ mental health over a one year period, similar across both German and Chinese student groups.


Sleeping well is vitally important to overall health and well-being, with studies revealing its positive benefits in terms of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure reduction as well as decreased mental illness risk and early death risks. Unfortunately, many do not get enough rest due to poor bedtime routines and disturbed bedroom environments – plus alcohol, caffeine consumption, large meals or an unpleasant or noisy environment can prevent quality restful slumber. read more

Sports Chiropractors

Sports chiropractors are adept at recognizing when an athlete has developed muscle imbalance, before it progresses and causes damage elsewhere in their body. Their training equips them to design prehabilitation programs which reduce injury risk while simultaneously increasing performance and decreasing injury risks.

No matter if you are an elite professional athlete, recreational participant or weekend warrior – our team of specialists are on hand to offer personalized care tailored to each of our patients. read more

The Spine and Muscles


The spine is the column of bones that encase and protect the spinal cord, composed of 33 individual vertebrae known as vertebrae, also referred to as back vertebrae or spine vertebrae.

Between the vertebrae are oval-shaped discs that act as shock absorbers. Each vertebra has four facet joints to connect its members together.


The spinal column consists of vertebrae, irregular bones composed primarily of tough, strong cortex bone (cortical) and soft, spongy cell bone (cancellous). Vertebral shapes vary greatly among species. read more

How to Energize Your Immune System

There’s no single, foolproof method of increasing immunity. However, adopting healthy living strategies such as eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and spending time outdoors may support immunity.

Now that COVID-19 has started, these steps can help strengthen your immune system throughout the year. Read on for more details:.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Doctors frequently assert, “you are what you eat.” A diet rich in essential vitamins and nutrients found in nutritious food sources can boost immunity against illness. read more

Prenatal Yoga – Strengthen and Flexibility During Pregnancy

prenatal yoga

Prenatal yoga offers women an effective and safe method to increase strength and flexibility during gestation, as well as prepare them for childbirth.

Prenatal yoga provides pregnant women with a unique combination of yoga poses, breathing techniques, and relaxation techniques designed to build physical and mental strength, improve flexibility, and alleviate pregnancy-related symptoms.


Yoga can be an excellent way to stay active during pregnancy and can also provide relief from many physical symptoms associated with gestation, such as fatigue and morning sickness. read more

The Benefits of Massage


Massage is a type of bodywork that manipulates soft tissue for relaxation, pain relief and improved circulation.

Research has demonstrated the therapeutic effects of massage, including stress reduction, pain relief and improved sleep patterns. Furthermore, receiving a massage may aid in weight gain for premature babies.


Relaxation massage induces a physiological relaxation response in the body. This can help slow your heart rate and breathing, lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones and stimulate serotonin production – an endorphin chemical linked to feelings of well-being and joy. read more

The Definition of Wellness

definition of wellness

Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. It is not simply the absence of disease or infirmity but an active process of becoming aware and making choices to lead a more rewarding life.

People typically associate wellness with physical health — nutrition, exercise, weight management and related issues. But true wellbeing encompasses not just physical aspects but also mental and spiritual well-being.


Physical wellness entails eating healthily, exercising regularly and abstaining from harmful habits like smoking. Adopting these practices can improve your overall wellbeing and add years to your life. read more

How a Leg Decompression Machine Can Help

leg decompression machine

If you are suffering from back or leg pain, a spinal decompression machine may be the answer. This FDA-approved treatment gently stretches the spine and creates negative intradiscal pressure which encourages disc repositioning while increasing water and healing nutrients to the affected area.

Relieves Pain

Back pain is a common experience for many, often caused by spinal compression. Your spine consists of 33 individual bones (known as vertebrae) and between them are discs that provide cushioning for your spine. read more

Lower Back Pain Caused by Incorrect Posture

low back pain

A painful lower back can be a real nuisance. It can make it hard to work, drive or walk, and can affect your quality of life.

If the pain goes on for more than a few days, you may need to see your doctor. Your doctor can diagnose the source of your pain and suggest treatment.


Incorrect posture is one of the most common causes of back pain. It can happen when you sit, stand or sleep in an incorrect position.

People who sit for extended periods of time and slouch can experience a lot of pressure on their spine and compress the disks in their lower back. This can cause a variety of back pain symptoms, including muscle aches and stiffness. read more