Healthy Lifestyle Choices

A healthy lifestyle refers to an array of behaviors and practices that support both mental and physical wellbeing. Such actions could include choosing healthy options when it comes to diet, physical activity and vices like smoking.

The research concluded that lifestyle choices (such as frequent physical activity, non-smoking and maintaining regular social rhythm) were predictive of students’ mental health over a one year period, similar across both German and Chinese student groups.


Sleeping well is vitally important to overall health and well-being, with studies revealing its positive benefits in terms of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure reduction as well as decreased mental illness risk and early death risks. Unfortunately, many do not get enough rest due to poor bedtime routines and disturbed bedroom environments – plus alcohol, caffeine consumption, large meals or an unpleasant or noisy environment can prevent quality restful slumber.

Sleep deprivation affects school performance and can contribute to emotional issues like depression. Lifestyle changes may help mitigate this issue; however, further research needs to be conducted in areas like sleep and circadian biology in relation to nutritional science and public health. This article comes from the Population Healthy series by University of Michigan Nutritional Sciences department; discover more by subscribing or visiting their website!


Alcohol is a depressant that inhibits neurological impulses in the brain, altering mood and behaviour. It may also lower inhibitions, leading to actions they might otherwise avoid such as drink driving. Furthermore, it increases risk for high blood pressure, heart disease and certain cancers as well as dementia and mental health conditions.

Alcoholic beverages provide minimal nutritional value and may add unnecessary “empty calories” to your diet. Many people turn to alcohol as a way of managing their emotions in response to depression or other difficult feelings; however, overdoing it may prove harmful in the long run.

As it’s impossible to accurately gauge whether drinking any amount of alcohol is beneficial for overall health, it’s wise to carefully weigh both its benefits and risks for each individual consuming alcohol. If you are concerned about your alcohol intake, consult a health professional immediately.