How a Leg Decompression Machine Can Help

leg decompression machine

If you are suffering from back or leg pain, a spinal decompression machine may be the answer. This FDA-approved treatment gently stretches the spine and creates negative intradiscal pressure which encourages disc repositioning while increasing water and healing nutrients to the affected area.

Relieves Pain

Back pain is a common experience for many, often caused by spinal compression. Your spine consists of 33 individual bones (known as vertebrae) and between them are discs that provide cushioning for your spine.

These discs may rupture and spill their gooey contents, or develop weak spots that allow them to bulge and press against nearby nerves. All of these issues can lead to pain as well as other symptoms like limited movement and poor posture.

Spinal decompression therapy utilizes a vacuum-like force to realign the joints and discs in your spine, relieving pain caused by spinal compression while also helping prevent further damage from taking place.

Treatment can be beneficial for a variety of injuries and conditions, such as herniated discs, sciatica, spinal stenosis, arthritis and more. Additionally, it helps improve posture and relieve muscle spasms.

Decreases Inflammation

Decompression therapy is an effective method to relieve pain and encourage healing. The procedure entails strapping on compression stockings or leg sleeves, then sitting or lying flat on a table as the machine applies gradual pressure to your lower body.

In addition to relieving inflammation, massage also promotes blood flow to the affected area. This improves circulation and allows nutrients to be delivered directly into damaged tissue.

The machine’s compression and decompression capabilities also help reduce aches, pains and swelling in the treated area by creating space between joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

The most advantageous aspect of this process is that it can be completed at home without the need for invasive surgery or drugs. In fact, it’s often recommended as the primary treatment for back and neck pain patients; many experience initial relief within just a few sessions! This non-invasive procedure can be carried out either at home or at an outpatient facility such as a chiropractic clinic.

Decreases Pressure on the Nerves

If your legs, hips or knees are experiencing pain due to nerve compression, you might want to consider getting a leg decompression machine. This treatment can reduce discomfort and restore mobility without surgery.

Leg decompression machines stretch your spine, creating negative pressure that helps pull and position herniated disc material and increases water, oxygen, and healing nutrients in the spinal disc. This encourages healing within the disc itself which in turn prevents further pain from herniated discs.

Spinal decompression helps relieve nerve pressure by allowing them to spread out and relax, which is why it’s often used for chronic back or neck pain as well as herniated discs.

Increases Blood Flow

A leg decompression machine utilizes controlled pressure to increase blood flow. It supports veins and reduces swelling, helping improve the flow of oxygen-rich blood back to the heart.

Compression sleeves inflate and deflate slowly every 20-60 seconds, helping to increase blood circulation and decrease the risk of deep vein thrombosis – a condition wherein a blood clot forms in one of your leg veins.

Studies have demonstrated that intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) systems can prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT) during surgery and when you are not active for an extended period. They also help prevent blood clots after injury or surgery.