Chiropractic and Massage – Do They Work Together?

chiropractic and massage

Chiropractic and massage are a great combination for treating and reducing pain in your back and neck. They also help to restore the energy you lose when you are dealing with spinal distress. These two forms of treatment work on the nervous system and the muscles to help relieve pain and inflammation.


Massage and chiropractic treatment are two alternative health therapies that have been shown to offer a number of health benefits. They are also complementary treatments, meaning they can be part of a longer treatment plan to achieve optimal health. read more

How to Prevent Leaky Gut Fatigue

leaky gut fatigue

Leaky gut fatigue is a condition in which people have a hard time sustaining their energy levels and feel tired, fatigued, and have a lack of physical energy. There are a number of ways to treat this condition. The goal is to help the person with it feel better. Here are some of the things that you can do to help prevent this condition from happening in the first place.


When you have leaky gut, your body releases chemicals that cause a chronic inflammatory response throughout your body. This can lead to a variety of symptoms including fatigue, joint pain, and skin problems. It is important to get diagnosed and treated for the disease, so that you can avoid other health complications. read more

Different Types of Massage Therapy

massage therapy

Having a massage therapy session with your therapist can be a great way to relax and relieve stress, as well as to get rid of pain. The goal of massage therapy is to manipulate the soft tissues of the body, such as muscles and tendons. This can be done through a number of different techniques, including using the hands, knees, elbows and forearms.

Trigger point massage

Often a part of massage therapy, trigger point therapy is a specific technique that relieves pain. It works by removing waste products and tightness in the muscle. read more

6 Essential Nutrients to Keep Bones Healthy

keep bones healthy

Getting enough Vitamin D is one of the most important ways to keep your bones healthy. It is also good to get plenty of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. You can get these vitamins and minerals from eating foods like fish, nuts, vegetables, and legumes. Also, you can buy supplements that contain these nutrients.


Getting a lot of calcium in your diet is important to keep bones healthy. It helps keep bones strong and protects your bones from fracture. It also helps muscles contract and nerves work properly. Calcium helps prevent high blood pressure, diabetes, and some cancers. read more

Chiropractic Is Not For Everyone


Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine that treats disorders of the spine and musculoskeletal system. It has esoteric origins and is based on pseudoscientific concepts. While chiropractic is not a legitimate science, it can be effective for some conditions. It is not for everyone, and there are some risks associated with chiropractic treatment.

The practice of chiropractic relies on a series of chiropractic adjustments that realign the vertebra. This helps to decrease pain and restore range of motion. Soft-tissue therapy is also used by chiropractors to ease tight and tense muscles. Exercises and stretches are also recommended to help the body regain normal range of motion and stability of the joints. read more

Sciatica Treatment


The symptoms of sciatica are often described as a shooting, aching, or dull pain that radiates down the leg. The pain is usually caused by a pinched nerve in the lower spinal column. Other symptoms of sciatica include numbness, muscle weakness, or tingling in the leg.

The main goal of sciatica treatment is to reduce pain and increase mobility. Initially, nonsurgical treatments may include over-the-counter pain relievers, ice packs, heat, and physical therapy. In more severe cases, spinal decompression surgery may be recommended. However, in most cases, nonsurgical treatments work for treating sciatica and are well worth a try. For example, applying an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel to the affected area may reduce pain and swelling. read more

What Is Functional Neurology?

functional neurology

Functional neurology focuses on the functioning of the nervous system and the health of the brain. The brain is a malleable structure that changes with various stimuli, such as glucose, oxygen, and other essential nutrients. This process is called activation and it involves the stimulation of neurons to change their structure and metabolism. Functional neurologists are trained to identify problems in the nervous system and can help people determine which stimulation will improve the functioning of a specific area. read more

Advantages of Digital Motion X-Ray

digital motion x ray

Digital motion x rays are video images of body structures that can be used to diagnose various diseases. They are similar to MRI and CAT scan images. Both involve exposure to radiation but one type is safer than the other. Digital motion x rays can be displayed on a computer screen or printed on film.

Digital motion x rays have several advantages for patients. They can document any abnormal findings throughout the body, which helps the medical professional decide on the best treatment method for the patient. They are particularly helpful in neck injury cases that have long-term pain symptoms. In addition, they can be helpful in identifying if there is a structural problem or ligament damage that has resulted in the pain. In some cases, these x-rays can show whether there is a fracture, gross dislocation or even tumor. read more

How to Energize Your Immune System

how to energize your immune system

Increasing the immune system’s power is essential for staying healthy and protected. However, boosting the immune system is a complicated process. It has many different types of cells and has to respond to numerous microbes. In fact, scientists are still unclear as to what the optimal combination of immune cells is.

The best way to energize your immune system is to consume foods rich in certain nutrients and vitamins. Your body can benefit from eating foods that are rich in zinc, Vitamin C, and other important nutrients. You should also eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to provide your body with the best possible nutrients for optimal immune health. In addition, eating small, frequent meals will help to ensure you get the nutrients you need in a balanced manner. read more

Upper Cervical Chiropractor

upper cervical chiropractor

An upper cervical chiropractor uses a variety of tools to determine your exact problem and recommend a treatment plan that works for you. In addition to manual manipulation, an upper cervical chiropractor uses paraspinal thermography to measure your nerve function and may perform a spinal list to determine your posture and alignment. These tools can be very helpful in determining the cause of your neck pain and provide you with relief.

Visiting an upper cervical chiropractor can help reduce your symptoms and relieve your pain. Many people choose this method of care after having tried other forms of treatment and have been unsatisfied with the results. People with neck pain, migraines, and vertigo often see an upper cervical chiropractor for relief. Upper cervical adjusting styles are gentle and can help alleviate the pain and discomfort you’re experiencing. It may also help alleviate your headaches, migraines, or vertigo. read more