Upper Cervical Chiropractor

upper cervical chiropractor

An upper cervical chiropractor uses a variety of tools to determine your exact problem and recommend a treatment plan that works for you. In addition to manual manipulation, an upper cervical chiropractor uses paraspinal thermography to measure your nerve function and may perform a spinal list to determine your posture and alignment. These tools can be very helpful in determining the cause of your neck pain and provide you with relief.

Visiting an upper cervical chiropractor can help reduce your symptoms and relieve your pain. Many people choose this method of care after having tried other forms of treatment and have been unsatisfied with the results. People with neck pain, migraines, and vertigo often see an upper cervical chiropractor for relief. Upper cervical adjusting styles are gentle and can help alleviate the pain and discomfort you’re experiencing. It may also help alleviate your headaches, migraines, or vertigo.

Unlike traditional chiropractors, upper cervical doctors don’t perform cracking or twisting to correct your problems. Instead, they analyze your biomechanical and neurological functions to determine the proper course of treatment for you. Your health care provider will perform two x-rays before and after each treatment session to ensure that you’re receiving the correct adjustment. During the adjustment, your upper cervical chiropractor will monitor your alignment and make any necessary adjustments.

Upper cervical adjustments can provide widespread pain relief and an improved quality of life. They can also restore the balance of your central nervous system, allowing you to heal and function optimally. Even chronic, complex conditions can be improved with this treatment. With the right care, upper cervical chiropractic treatments can help you get back on track and feel better than ever!

Upper cervical chiropractic care can also help treat the symptoms of TMJ and Trigeminal Neuralgia. These disorders are the result of damaged cranial nerves in the neck. Upper cervical chiropractic care can also reduce your blood pressure and improve your breathing capacity. A NUCCA-registered chiropractor will be able to treat these conditions safely and effectively. It can also treat other health issues, such as chronic low back pain.

Upper cervical chiropractic care involves a combination of manual and non-invasive treatments. Your chiropractor will focus on adjusting your spine to relieve pain and restore optimal function. This method has helped many people eliminate their symptoms and live an optimal quality of life. And most importantly, chiropractic care helps your central nervous system function optimally. The benefits of upper cervical chiropractic treatment are significant. As a result, you can expect to feel better!

Upper cervical chiropractors use the Blair chiropractic technique, which evaluates vertebral alignment and provide specific adjustments. The top two vertebrae are the most mobile and house the brainstem, so upper cervical chiropractic treatment targets these areas. Upper cervical chiropractic treatment focuses on ensuring these two vertebrae remain in optimal alignment, so nerves can communicate without interruption. You will be able to sleep more deeply and have a better quality of life!

Upper cervical chiropractic is a highly effective form of chiropractic treatment, but it is important to be aware of the dangers of the procedure. As with any treatment, there is a high risk of side effects. The most common side effect is muscle soreness. A chiropractor who practices upper cervical chiropractic will use a gentle and non-invasive approach to correct your posture and correct the root causes of your pain. These chiropractors will use objective evaluations to ensure that the treatment is effective.

Upper Cervical chiropractic care is the key to unlocking your true potential. In November 2012, Dr. Gigliotti was able to help me overcome my symptoms. By the end of his care, I felt completely pain-free! This was a huge relief for me and my family. I highly recommend upper cervical care to anyone who suffers from back pain or other issues.

My son was born six weeks early and has a speech delay. We’ve been seeing speech therapists for the last year and recently started taking him to Upper Cervical Chiropractic treatments. Those visits have improved his communication and overall health. He has a much better sense of balance and posture. He’s also happy and confident.