Chiropractors Use Spinal Decompression to Relieve Pinched Nerves and Herniated Discs

chiropractor spinal decompression

Chiropractors use spinal decompression to reshape and relieve pinched nerves in your back. Chiropractors utilize spinal decompression techniques in order to reshape discs that cushion vertebrae (back bones), so as to keep them from colliding every time you move.

Wake Forest chiropractors utilize specialized tables that employ vacuum pressure to retract herniated discs, providing oxygen, water and healing nutrients into injured discs.

What Is It?

The spine contains cushions called discs between its vertebrae that act like shock absorbers when we walk, protecting each bone from collision with each step. If one of these discs becomes bulging or herniating, this places pressure on nearby nerves that transmit pain signals back to your brain and body. While conventional medical solutions for herniated discs involve back surgery – an expensive and painful proposition – our chiropractor offers non-invasive spinal decompression techniques which work like vacuum forces to sock herniated discs back into place without surgery – we use our non-invasive decompression technique which utilize vacuum forces that will suck herniated discs back into place without surgery!

Nonsurgical spinal decompression therapy is a noninvasive and painless way to provide neck, back, sciatic, and foot pain relief. This therapy may also assist with herniated discs, bulging discs, arthritis in the spine or spinal stenosis issues.

As part of this procedure, our chiropractor gently stretches and manipulates your spine to take pressure off spinal discs and nerves. Traction force also works to retract herniated discs so oxygen, water, and healing nutrients can enter them and provide healing benefits to them.

How Does It Work?

Age can alter the ability of the discs between vertebrae to handle pressure effectively, leading to compression of your spine, irritating nerves and leading to pain. Spinal decompression therapy is a non-surgical non-invasive solution using a motorized traction table for gentle stretching that relieves pressure off spinal discs – giving relief from herniated or bulging discs, pinched nerves, sciatica as well as neck pain from degenerative disc disease or cervical degeneration.

Under spinal decompression therapy, you’ll lie on a treatment table wearing a harness around your pelvis and trunk. A computerized machine controls series of back-and-forth movements that gradually stretch and relax your spine.

These movements create negative pressure within herniated or bulging spinal discs, drawing fluid back into them in order to rehydrate them while drawing protrusions back in. This helps relieve pain from herniated or bulging spinal disks as well as heal chronic back conditions like spinal stenosis, facet syndrome and other forms of back discomfort.

Does It Hurt?

Non-surgical spinal decompression involves increasing the space between your vertebrae to heal herniated discs and release pinched nerves, treat sciatica, osteoarthritis, back pain caused by osteoporosis and spinal stenosis – among many other things. Your Wake Forest chiropractor can evaluate your condition to see if non-surgical spinal decompression treatment might be an option for you.

At each session, you’ll lie on a table fitted with a harness around your pelvis and trunk. A computer-controlled machine stretches your spine while negative pressure helps retract herniated discs into place while relieving nerve pressure while drawing water, oxygen and healing nutrients into them.

Herniated discs can be the source of significant back pain. They occur when the cushion between vertebrae wears away and pushes on nerves. Spinal decompression therapy works effectively against herniated neck discs as well as helping with any arm or leg numbness associated with sciatica.

Can I Have It?

People suffering from herniated or protruding discs, spinal stenosis or pinched nerves can benefit from chiropractor decompression therapy. This therapy creates space between vertebrae to allow oxygen and nutrients to freely pass between vertebrae, relieving general discomfort while relieving pressure from spinal nerves.

Your spine contains cushioned discs to cushion each vertebra and reduce impact with one another as you move. Over time, however, due to aging or injury these discs may weaken and slip out of their positions, leading to painful symptoms that could eventually debilitate you completely.

Decompression therapy offers an alternative to medication and surgery that may effectively address the source of your discomfort. Decompression therapy has proven its worth with many patients over time, costing less and being less invasive than both options. No wonder so many are opting for nonsurgical care like decompression therapy when dealing with back or neck problems; contact a reputable chiropractor today and see if decompression therapy could be right for you!