Chiropractic Is Not For Everyone


Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine that treats disorders of the spine and musculoskeletal system. It has esoteric origins and is based on pseudoscientific concepts. While chiropractic is not a legitimate science, it can be effective for some conditions. It is not for everyone, and there are some risks associated with chiropractic treatment.

The practice of chiropractic relies on a series of chiropractic adjustments that realign the vertebra. This helps to decrease pain and restore range of motion. Soft-tissue therapy is also used by chiropractors to ease tight and tense muscles. Exercises and stretches are also recommended to help the body regain normal range of motion and stability of the joints. read more

Sciatica Treatment


The symptoms of sciatica are often described as a shooting, aching, or dull pain that radiates down the leg. The pain is usually caused by a pinched nerve in the lower spinal column. Other symptoms of sciatica include numbness, muscle weakness, or tingling in the leg.

The main goal of sciatica treatment is to reduce pain and increase mobility. Initially, nonsurgical treatments may include over-the-counter pain relievers, ice packs, heat, and physical therapy. In more severe cases, spinal decompression surgery may be recommended. However, in most cases, nonsurgical treatments work for treating sciatica and are well worth a try. For example, applying an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel to the affected area may reduce pain and swelling. read more

How to Energize Your Immune System

how to energize your immune system

Increasing the immune system’s power is essential for staying healthy and protected. However, boosting the immune system is a complicated process. It has many different types of cells and has to respond to numerous microbes. In fact, scientists are still unclear as to what the optimal combination of immune cells is.

The best way to energize your immune system is to consume foods rich in certain nutrients and vitamins. Your body can benefit from eating foods that are rich in zinc, Vitamin C, and other important nutrients. You should also eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to provide your body with the best possible nutrients for optimal immune health. In addition, eating small, frequent meals will help to ensure you get the nutrients you need in a balanced manner. read more

Pacific Academic Institute of Chiropractic

pacific academic institute of chiropractic

The Pacific Academic Institute of Chiropractic offers students a unique blend of academic rigor and hands-on learning. Students will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to practice chiropractic medicine. The program focuses on the natural healing of the spine and musculoskeletal system. This institute offers direct entry into the Doctor of Chiropractic program at the University of Western States. To qualify, you must complete your Bachelor of Science degree.

The college plans to build a chiropractic school, research program, and multidisciplinary primary care clinic. The goal is to attract about 100 new students each year. It is anticipated that PAIC will eventually enroll 600 full-time equivalent students (FTE) from Canada and overseas. The development of the school dates back to discussions with the University of Victoria and the BC Institute of Health Sciences in 1989. read more

Spinal Decompression Tool

spinal decompression tool

Spinal decompression is one of the most popular chiropractic treatments available today. It can be performed at home and is a great way to treat back pain. If you’d like to try it for yourself, here’s how. However, before you begin, you should talk to a medical professional and be sure that spinal decompression is the right treatment for you. It’s also important to follow proper form when performing spinal decompression.

One spinal decompression tool that chiropractors commonly use is the Y-Strap. This device is similar to a neck brace but is adjustable to the size of the user’s head. It is used to stretch the y-axis of the spine. It is also helpful for treating other areas of the spine, including lumbar and thoracic issues. read more

Clearchiro – What is Clearchiro?


Clearchiro is a type of chiropractic care that focuses on a patient’s comfort, fixing the underlying cause of the problem, and preventing future episodes. Injuries and improper posture can cause imbalances in the body, causing overworked, underused, and weak muscles. Periodic checkups can help prevent these recurrences, reducing the risk of painful episodes. The frequency of these visits depends on the condition of the patient.

Pain and Wellness – What is the Connection?

pain and wellness

Pain and wellness are closely related concepts. Pain is the sensation of harm or danger and is the brain’s natural response to a potentially harmful stimulus. For example, when a child touches a hot stove, the pain response in the spinal cord and brain sends a warning signal. As a protective measure, the child immediately pulls away from the heat. However, when pain is chronic or recurrent, it can significantly limit the individual’s quality of life. It can interfere with social interactions, performance at work, and daily activities. read more

How to Diagnose a Sports Injury

sports injury

A sports injury can put you on the sidelines for a long time. Even if it seems minor, it can result in serious problems that may prevent you from playing your favorite sport again. The best way to diagnose a sports injury is to see an orthopedic surgeon right away. This way, you can avoid potential long-term damage to your body. Your orthopedic surgeon will perform a physical exam and ask you about your injury, and they may even order imaging studies to determine the severity of the damage. read more

A Chiropractor With X Rays

chiropractor with x ray

A chiropractor who uses x-rays for treatment purposes does so for a number of reasons. The x-rays help chiropractors to evaluate and monitor the degenerative process of the spine and other parts of the body. The x-rays help patients understand their condition, which in turn allows them to take an active role in their own treatment and recovery. Chiropractors use x-rays to check for dislocations and fractures, as well as the presence of cancer, infections, and tumors in the spinal region.

The use of x-rays for chiropractic care is not necessary for every patient. While x-rays can help chiropractors diagnose certain conditions, they are not always necessary. Other imaging procedures, like MRI’s, are not covered by insurance. Chiropractors use x-rays to rule out other conditions that may be contributing to a patient’s back pain. Furthermore, chiropractors prefer to perform x-rays while the patient is in a weight-bearing position. Most medical facilities require patients to lie down for this procedure. read more

Chiropractor Spinal Decompression

chiropractor spinal decompression

If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to treat your back or neck pain, a chiropractor spinal decompression treatment may be right for you. The treatment is non-invasive, so you won’t experience any negative side effects. A chiropractor can assess your condition and determine if you’re a good candidate. People with certain types of back pain or specific conditions may not benefit from decompression. For these reasons, you should first consult a chiropractor to learn more about your treatment options. read more